Talkback Damper Control System

Air Transfer Grilles

The “Talkback” system has been designed to provide up to 16 damper/air transfer grille locations with one centralised status monitoring location. The unique 2-way communication system between the Damper Control & Monitor Unit (DCM) + the damper actuators facilitates rapid assessment of serviceability of the installation + immediately identifies the location of a defective damper.

System specification

Application Smoke Control Shutter System. Provides Fire & Smoke resistance in conjunction with Intumescent Air Transfer Grille. Doors, panels, walls + ducts: effective for cold smoke
Test evidence BS 476 Part 31-31.1, BS 476 Part 20/22, BS EN 1364-5 (LVV40S & LVH44S), AS 1530-4 (LVH20S), EN 58001-1: 1992, EN 58002-1: 1992, IEC 1010-1: 1990, Amendment 1: 1992 & Amendment 2: 1995
Fail Safe Designed to close automatically in the event of a fire alarm being activated, a power failure or wiring damage
Auto reset Will reset automatically to the open position when the fire alarm is cancelled or power restored
Auto Cycling Once in every twenty-four hours each damper/shutter is closed + re-opened to prevent a build up of dust or debris between moving parts
SMOKE SHUTTER DIMENSIONSMax size determined by ATG choice and application. Various options covered under third party certification : Certifire CF564
Airflow Approx 30% free area
Finish DCM off-white
Compatibility The “Talkback” system is designed to interface with any fire alarm panel + subsequent to the initial installation, additional dampers/shutters can be incorporated up to a maximum of 16 per DCM
Use with LVN20S, LVH20S, LVH44S, LVHCTD
